Sunday, 18 October 2015

Elizabethan Hairstyles - Curls and Crimping

Here are a few Elizabethan hairstyles that use a lot curls to give the hairstyle volume and texture. It also makes the hairstyle look a lot softer and fluffy which can also be created through crimping the hair. The first hairstyle is less soft than the rest as the curls are styled and secured and carefully thought out. Whereas the second hairstyle looks more voluminous and fluffy as they curls hair been brushed slightly and pulled back which give the hair a softer look. The third image denotes a modern Elizabethan hairstyle that is extremely fluffy and soft as the hair stylish must have brushed out the curls or back combed them to create the shape they did. With these hairstyles there aren't many hair adornments as the hairstyles are not very structured compared to most of the hairstyles I've looked at as they have lots of hair adornments to complete the hairstyle. From these images I don't really get much inspiration from it other than the volume in the hair. And to create the volume I would prefer the hair to be crimped as it gives the hair so much more volume and shape.
These images denote more modern interpretations of hairstyles in the Elizabethan Era. The first hairstyle/colour almost is very bright and is quite exaggerated as the face is very pale too. The hair has been sculpted into a heart shape which was very common in the Elizabethan Era and has hair adornments which give the hairstyle more of an edge. The second hairstyle is a lot more contemporary/modern and has a lot going on compared to the other hairstyle I've looked at. The third one is a lot more contained and has curls incorporated into the braid to give the braids a softer look and for the hair to be more textured for the hair adornments to be secure and for them to stay in easier as if the hair hasn't been teased or curls before hand it can make it difficult for the clips to stay where they are put and not slide. Within these hairstyles there is lots of hair adornments as the hairstyles include more plaits which gives the hairstyle the structure to hold the pearls or ribbon. Out of these images the third one inspires me the most as it has a lot of detail which makes the hairstyle aesthetically pleasing. 

Image 1 - (1955a). Available at: (Accessed: 2 December 2015).
Image 2 - Dorri (2013) Queen Elizabeth has been portrayed by Cate Blanchett & Bette Davis, Celebrities. Dorri Olds. Available at: (Accessed: 2 December 2015).
Image 3 - Antique (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 2 December 2015).
Image 4 - Is, T. and Tina (2015) Why do women wear make up? Tea Is For Tina. Available at: (Accessed: 2 December 2015).
Image 5 - thaeger, Gąska, E. and Dachstein, M. (no date) Emotional (hair styling) by Sølvi Strifeldt. Available at: (Accessed: 2 December 2015).
Image 6 - Need refs/inspo for period clothing? (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 1 December 2015).

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