Practical - Padding and Crimping
With this type of crimping you are required to get yourself some hair pins so that you can get small sections of the hair and wrap it around the clip in the shape of a number eight. This is what will give the hair a zig zag shape within the hair once the straighteners have been used over this braid as the heat with intensify the shape.With this I feel that this style of crimping is very effective and will give you the volume needed for an Elizabethan hairstyle as once this is brushes out it becomes very soft and frizzy which is the type of hair you will see in paintings of women in the Elizabethan times. However with this hairstyle the hair is left feeling very damaged and inherits a very strange texture due to the hair being manipulated and heated. If I was to use this on a method I would avoid doing it on all the hair as it becomes very knotty. With this technique I feel it went well as I was able to see what texture this left the hair in. Which helped me decide that this technique wouldn't be something I would want to use for my final designs as it makes the hair to knotty and uncontrollable as the hair becomes very voluminous and frizzy.
This image denotes the hair after being crimped all over to create a very soft look to the hair like Elizabethan times. With this look I created a small french plait to give the padding something to clip to as the hair is too soft for the padding to stay in on it own.
This hairstyle is very affective as I was able to get good shape and a lot of volume which fit with Elizabethan style hair which is what I was looking to achieve. I prefer this style to the previous way as its softer and doesn't leave the hair in such bad conditions which makes it easier to style the hair.
However with this style of crimping it takes a while to get all of the hair done so If I was to use this technique I would need to give myself enough time. This technique was easy as all I needed to do was to create a french plait for the hair padding to attach to as otherwise it wont stay in and wouldn't feel secure for the model. If one of my designs needed a lot of volume I would use this technique as it is very simple and looks very affective.
This image denotes the hair after being crimped and back combed properly to give the hair lots of volume and allows you to have the volume with hair left over to plait of style. With this style of achieving voluminous hair it is very affective however is feel as if the previous technique make be more secure as I want the hair to stay out rather than being loose.
An issue with this technique is something that would occur after the hairstyle is created as the hair will be very matted and hard to brush out which I would prefer to avoid. This technique was very simple to carry out and I create a lot of volume which looked softer than when I used the hair padding as there isn't as much restriction in the hair as when the hair padding was used and that is visible when looking at the hair.
This image denotes a section from the front of the hair wrapped around the padding and clipped which personally I feel wasn't very affective as it did give good shape but it didn't give as much volume as the other techniques and just didn't feel as secure which is something I'm looking for in the hairstyle as if i was to create this hair on a model i would want them to feel comfortable as opposed to them feeling like their hair is too lose and will fall out. If I was to recreate this hairstyle I would use a bigger section of the hair to make it feel more secure. This technique was easy to carry out however I struggled hiding the Hair padding as it was the wrong colour for the hair and came through wherever the hair separated which made the hair not look as affective. If I was to use this technique I would make my own hair padding as it was quite simple to make and would look nice in the hair if I was to need a lot of volume.
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